Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How do I change my proxy and/or firewall to allow MSN Messenger?

My computer does not let me log into MSN messenger, and it says I have the wrong keyports. When I tell it to repair it, it does nothing. How do I change it so that I can log into MSN Messenger?How do I change my proxy and/or firewall to allow MSN Messenger?What you do is to go to your firewall program and open your options and one of your options should be sites to allow, and you just type in and that should work. I am using McAfee firewall instead of the one that Windows XP provides, and usually, the first time you go to an unallowed site, you will be asked if you want to allow the site, and you click on Allow Access. I didn't have to do this with the firewall because it already was programmed to allow the site. I play games and every game I download, I am asked if I want to allow the game to access the internet, and I accept. I hope that helps you out because I don't know about changing Proxy settings because my ISP, Comcast does not use them.

If these things don't work, go to the website of your firewall, and look through their FAQs and some of them have ways to get your questions answered in other ways.How do I change my proxy and/or firewall to allow MSN Messenger?every type of service using something called a port. You will need to open the ports that msn uses on your firewall software. Keep in mind though, that if you are on your work pc and the firewall is a network firewall then you will not be able to do anything about it.

msn messenger uses port 1863