Friday, September 23, 2011

Can i change my ip if I'm using a wireless card, i read about how to change ip but they all talk about router

Ok, ive read alot about how to change your ip, with proxy and running cmd.exe and so forth, but while im reading i see that they only address the people who have a router, or even dail-up, well i'm using a laptop and i'm using a wireless card, i just got ip banned from a game, and i wanted to get around the evil ip bannation, so really, my question is:Can i change my Ip address using a wireless card, if so, how do i go about doing this, please let me know, and thanks for everyones help.Can i change my ip if I'm using a wireless card, i read about how to change ip but they all talk about routeryou cannot change ip address using wireless card the wireless router is the one responsible generating and providing ip address for a wireless card