Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Whats a proxy and how do you remove or change it?

when i go to download an error message comes up saying my proxy has refused connection, how do i change it so it just downloads like normal, and can i just download one or do i first have to remove the existing one, (how do you do that)

thanks in advanceWhats a proxy and how do you remove or change it?Your school/work filter can detect a proxy as soon as you try it and either block it on the fly or notify an admin to block it manually. The bottom line is that all proxy's will eventually get blocked. As the filtering software gets more advanced they will get blocked faster and faster.

There is also the question of the rules and laws you are breaking by trying to hack their security system.

Finally even if you got a proxy to work for a short time you are inviting the proxy owner, many of whom are using the proxy for hacking purposes, to infect and or hijack your school/work network. Read more on the dangers of proxy's below.Whats a proxy and how do you remove or change it?That depends on the method you used to establish the proxy to begin with.Whats a proxy and how do you remove or change it?I agree with the answer before mine. A proxy is just another computer, server, or router that your connection must be established through to reach the Web (a bunch of other servers and routers).

Your proxy could very well be a school router blocking some file types or protocols (such as FTP or POP3) and you may need to connect to a different network. Configuring your router may help, but it is unlikely. Calling your ISP about this may also fix your problem.