Any help is appreciated.Newest msn won't work?I found that my firewall was blocking wlcomm.exe
I did a lot of searching and tried all the troubleshooting tips that I could find, with my firewall configured to allow msnmsgr.exe, but nothing seemed to work.
The firewall, (I use ZoneAlarms) keeps a log of all the things that it blocks, and was blocking wlcomm.exe.
I had only read that msnmsgr.exe needed to be enabled, and had already done so, but finally happened to read the log file... should have looked at it to start with.
After adding wlcomm.exe to the allowed programs, WLM is now working okay for me.Newest msn won't work?It's strange, almost everyone i've seen installing the new msn can't connect. They've done something very stupid..
Just uninstall Windows live Messenger and install MSN 8.1, it's fairly new and guaranteed to work atleast..