Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Anyone know how to acces internet from walgreens?

I am a Walgreens Pharmacy employee and sometimes really could use the internet to help a customer find something or better understand something but Walgreens restricts what websites we can go to. It would be nice to be able to find the nearest Urgent Care for a patient or the nearest medical supply store that is open without having to use an outdated yellow pages. I already tried to bring FireFox on my flash drive and use a proxy but I get the error

%26quot;FireFox Portable Error


FW-1 at inetfw01: Access denied.%26quot;

I have tried changing a proxy in IE but the account we use is limited and only the admin has control of Internet Options.

Can anyone help me out? I don't want to hack into the walgreens administrative accounts, I just want to bypass the internet blocks here and there for aiding customers.Anyone know how to acces internet from walgreens?If your legit, then you need to speak with management to get their regulations changed. If you try anything by yourself, and get caught, you can be fired on the spot. Is it worth it?

You can bring in your own laptop, with a Sprint wireless phone card in it. That way, you can access the internet from anywhere (almost). That would really help your customers, without risking your employment.
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