In Control Panel, click Internet Options%26gt;Connections%26gt;LAN settings. Make your changes, click 'OK'%26gt;'Apply'%26gt;'OK' :)How do you change proxy settings in xp?If your at home, and your using a basic Linksys / Netgear / DLink router, make sure your computer is set up to use DHCP. In order to do this, go to network connections and open your Ethernet Connection (Lan Card). From there go to TCP/IP, then select properties. Under the first tab there should be a radio button to select Obtain and IP address automatically. After that. you should have internet. If not either restart your computer or release and renew from command prompt.How do you change proxy settings in xp?You only use proxy settings if you have a proxy server within your network. You need to consult with your Internet Service Provider and determine if your IP address and DNS need to be set to automatically assign and IP and DNS dynamically which it acquires an IP address thru your ISP's DHCP server.
You need to determine from your Internet Service Provider if you have to set your IP address and DNS address statically which means you manaully type in trhe assigned network addresses. To complete these steps. you must do the following
1) Click Start Button in Windows
2) Select Control Panel
3) Select Network Connections
4) Double Click Local Area Connection
5) Select Properties in the Lower Left Corner of the Dialog Box
6) Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)