also port 21 is an %26quot;allow anonomous%26quot; port
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
How can i change proxy 21 to allow ftp to my web page? is so frustrating! any help is greatly appreciated.How can i change proxy 21 to allow ftp to my web page?If you are using a proxy server, you may need to speak to the hosting admin and ask them to open the port. If you are NOT then you need to open the port via Windows Firewall (if you are using it) or any other firewall program/router firewall. You can find the windows firewall settings in the Control Panel. And you'll have to search for it depending on the firewall program you run. The router firewall can be changed by accessing the router itself by typing in your Default Gateway IP into yor web browser.How can i change proxy 21 to allow ftp to my web page?well first an FTP server needs to be set up that will go along with your web page ip address
also port 21 is an %26quot;allow anonomous%26quot; porthealthy hair rodents
also port 21 is an %26quot;allow anonomous%26quot; port